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Lets paint a picture. It's 2am, you're in some seedy night club dancing to songs that sound like a robot dying. Amongst a sea of people you notice a girl in the centre of the dance floor, she's trying to dance like Michael Jackson but she looks more like Paul O'Grady at a Christmas party.
As out of control as her dancing may be you can't help but join in. She raises her arms into the air, made a gun shape with both hands and with an unmistakable Yorkshire accent shouts 'Donny Guns'. I'm not sure what it felt like for the Village People when they invented the 'YMCA' dance move but it can't have been far off this. The mostly empty dance floor joined in, it felt like a revelation but probably looked like 20 people, completely off their nuts thinking they were cool.
Either way, that night a dance move was born. Become part of the dancing revolution sweeping the UK (well, parts of it)… So next time you hit a club and you've had one too many, get your #DonnyGuns out.